Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is Your Truth?

Holy shitters! There is an insane amount of information on the net regarding the year 2012. To keep things simple, there are two major theories being suggested as the truth of the significance of the year 2012. Although both theories differ in context, they share the common undrstanding that a celestial occurence will change the world forever as we know it. Some argue that the 'elite' knew long ago about what we are now only being exposed to. Below is a brief discription of both theories.

The Annunaki - resedents of planet Nibiru

Before I begin, the names above are both validated from ancient texts, mainly from the earliest civilization known as the Sumarians who lived in, what we now know as Iraq, over 6000 years ago. Their texts and writings speak of a race of Gods or creators who reside on a distant planet called Nibiru. This planet has an elliptical orbit of 3600 years around our sun and is part of our solar system. Ancient texts, in conjunction with modern science and astronomy validate this claim. Nibiru is said to pass near our Earth in the year 2012. What happens then is unknown.

Galactic Dark Rift

The second theory involves a group called 'The Horizon Project'. They claim our solar system will enter a dark rift in 2012. The Earth will allign with the sun and the very center of our galaxy. It is believed that a black hole exists at the center of every galaxy. When this occurs, the extreme gravitational pull of the black hole will cause our Earth to shift poles, thus resulting in catastrophic climactic events. All diciplines of science have validated the claim of the Earth's poles shifting in the past many times before.

For many who have strong religious, but more importantly, spiritual beliefs, questions and fears have come to the forefront.

Do some investigating, and come to your own conclusions. It should be an interesting next, two and a half years!

Being a spiritual monkey, I am rather concerned. Although somewhat jolted, my beliefs have not wavered.

Monday, January 12, 2009

2012 - An Uneduacated View

It is the month of January 2009. Some of us will wake tomorrow to the sound of city traffic, or birds chirping. Some will walk outside their door to the sound of waves rushing onto the shore, or dogs barking on the streets. Some will even wake to the sound of their own cries, or bombs going off in the distance. Some will hope they don't wake at all.

Cheezzy as the intro may be, the year 2012 (December 21) may re-define forever, the world as we know it.

Sientists from around the world have come together and submitted individual findings. The Horizon Project and Planet X Nibiru are to search topics which explains in detail. The results have lead to the prediction of an earthly event that will be catastrophic beyond comprehension.

If hard science wasn't enough to convince skeptics of this World changing event, ancient and contemporary prophecies were incorporated to further validate and support their findings. Both diciplines unmistakenly came to the same conclusion!

As compelling as the scientific results presented by The Horizon Project are, it does not dismiss my belief in the existence of God. There are still unexplained phenomenon in our world today where God and evil personas fit into place.

With the ever growing number of conspiracy theories and the sinister motives of men that drive these movements, it is only safe to assume the other side of this spectrum is represented aswell.

End Times, Myths, and several Theories

Although only recently has the general population been exposed to this information, members of secret societies such as the illuminati, have known for centuries and generations the significance and implications of the year 2012. They have had hundreds of years to prepare, and utilize this inevitable celestial event to propel their demented thirst to enslave the World.

The myth of the Holy Grail is real, and it lays in the hands of the illuminati. The Grail was intended for the entire human race to understand, and learn about our very existence. It also holds secrets to inravelling unimaginable potentials of the human body. Unfortunately, the Grail had fallen in the wrong hands.

The myth of reptilian beings are quite possibly true. Although the most outlandish of my theories, it is probably the most crutial in understanding the spiritual warfare that goes on at every given moment. These reptilian beings are of another worldly realm, as suggested by the study of quantum physics.

Crop circles are obviously cryptic in nature. They too are of alternate earthly realms or even unearthly sources. They are messages that warm us of the future. Although I am not an expert in the dicipline, quantum physics explains the real possibility of other dimensions in our world and universe. Again, the mention of unearthly sources does not dismiss our Wordly God. As ludicris as it may sound to both believers and atheists, our GOD is within us!

Planet X (Nibiru) is real. I am not a scientist, nor have I done any personal research regarding this issue, but the information is out there to see. A cosmic event supported by science is bound to happen in the near future. This future event coincides with many historical prophecies including the bible.

Let the battle begin!

Key Sources
Planet X Nibiru
Loose Change
End Game
Brent Miller
Alex Jones

These key words will link you to a plethora of sites where you can draw your own conclusions!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Eagle Eye

'If you want to live you will obey'. The cover of the DVD I purchased reads; 'But where do they go if the enemy is everywhere?'

Eagle Eye centers around a highly sophisticated computer designed and created by US inteligence. It has the ability to think, plan, and react at mind boggling speed and accuracy. It is also able to manipulate and control any part of the environment connected by digital or wireless means. The plot focuses on this computer's outrageous ability to plan and carry out an assassination attempt on the US President, void of any human input! The computer just simply decides to do it, in the name of National Security. A COMPUTER!


The message is clear. The warped and cowardice 'ELITE' claim no responsibility for the deaths of individuals or populations. If the 'sacrafice' or disposal of lives is faced with public outcry or queries, a standard apology is given. It is accompanied with an empty explanation, proclaiming the preservation of FREEDOM!

The last few lines in the movie says as follows;

Comission: "Mr. Secretary, we just can't stop intelligence gathering just because of what happened here"

Secretary: "No we can't. All I know is we made a great many mistakes, and good people paid the ultimate price for them, and that's a debt we can never repay. But we can honour it, and we can let their sacrafice remind us that sometimes the very measures we put in place to safeguard our liberty, become threats to liberty itself"

Wow! Can they be more straightforward!
It is a progression toward loss of freedoms for all. It is happening as we speak.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I watch her through the glass doors
Her light brown hair waving in the wind
A lit cigarette nestles between her delicate fingers
As she exhales away her heart's burdens

I bow my head as her courage overcomes me
It blankets my very core
Through the glass and through her eyes
Does beauty reveal itself ever more

She looks out at the Caribbean Sea
As her sweet soul whispers comfort in her ear
She squints from the glare of the morning sun
Her strength prevailing even in fear

Oh how we wait for the sun to rise
When the night submits us to tears
Like life of the caterpillar coming true
Gone will be the butterfly's fears