Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stephen Harper (New World Order/ Bilderberg Group)

What a pile of horse shit. I saw the latest television ad for the PC party. It did nothing but confirm the truth of the stupidity that is the world of politics. The fools who volunteered or were paid to lie or improvise on national television were pathetic at best. Harpers melo-dramatic playboy pose and superficial grin was equally moronic.

Everything is FIXED! Your votes mean nothing and never will. Politics is an adult version of playground bullshit.

I'm keeping it short. I don't have the background to articulate intelligently about the state of the world. Other than wars, starving children, and the violation of human rights, and more specifically individuals' rights, our world isn't so bad, is it? We are safe in our homes. We are free, and have equal opportunity to make our lives even better.

This sums up the mentality of most, but some of us may actually be AWAKE!, and realise what is coming our way.

Nonetheless, educate, or at least inform yourself of what is happening under our noses and behind closed doors. Piles of bullshit embeded in 'evil', evil meaning 'bullshit', is taking place in world politics without our knowledge. It is all being done in 'stealth' Alex Jones.

Forget the NBA, NFL, NHL, or MLB for a moment and take a look at, or Alex Jones' "ENDGAME".

Be 'Smart'! You owe your family the knowledge, if not yourself. What you do with this knowledge is the tough part!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Safety Dance

Who dares do the 'safety dance'?

"You can dance if you want to"

The 'safety dance' is safe, like crossing the street at 2 am. There are infinite versions of the 'safety dance', but all share a common theme; they are all safe. 'Men Without Hats' are pioneers in the evolution of dance. Their breakthrough into the music scene was unique and safe. The 'safety dance' introduced the world to a new, original, and very safe dance. Spinning in circles and flailing your hands in the air like a jackass, demonstrated safety immaculately!

"Safety dance, oh safety dance"



SAFETY DANCE SAMPLE (from supreme idiot)