Thursday, September 15, 2011

Theory on What Really Happen to Osama Bin Laden

Although I have no evidence to support my theory on what really happen to Osama Bin Laden, I will present my case nonetheless.

I believe Bin Laden died of natural causes. Why this has not been reported from other sources around the world, may be because the US government has always known of his whereabouts. As soon as Bin Laden passed, his body was immediately taken away by US officials, leaving only a handful of people with knowledge of it. This includes family members who may have been with him. These people were also rounded up, and have either been threatened, paid off, or simply kept in captivity. When Bin Laden succumbed to his illnesses, the US government, along with the military, decided to create an elaborate story of American Navy Seal heroism and bravery, in hopes of stirring the masses once again, and regaining support for the absurd 'war against terrorism'.

If you do your research, overcome your fears, and let common sense prevail, you will realise, and truly understand 9/11 was an extraordinarily sinister operation carried out by members of the US government, wealthy bankers, and the world elite.

There are hundreds of questions regarding everything related to 9/11, which government officials refuse to answer logically or scientifically. This is because they cannot.

Their bully tactics are sinister to the bone. Many have paid the ultimate price for challenging these cowards who hide behind veils, and kill without remorse.