Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Distraction, Ignorance, and Fear - It's Here - World Banks, Power, Martial Law, Population Reduction

One, or even a hand full of people realistically can not face off against a beast like the New World Order. What makes hopes to stand up to these self righteous scum more difficult, is that they operate with no rules. The utter disregard for human life, other than their own, is their greatest weapon against those who believe otherwise.

The evidence supporting a sinister plan by members of world banks and there slimy circle of wankers, to enslave the world is much to abundant to insert in this entry. Do your own research, and come to your own conclusions. It is not hard to find the information (evidence). You need only to look at the millions of impoverished worldwide, who for decades were left to die. There are enough resources in this world, period!

Those who struggle with the truth, but subconsciously understand what is profoundly important, are only caught up in the 'GAME' because there is no other accepted alternative. Unfortunately, consumption, and the ability to obtain more, in terms of materials, is what sadly garners respect from so many who have been unfortunately bred to think this way. This is what has happened over the past century, we have been manipulated to behave in such immature and selfish ways.

Those of you know who you are, who in some way along your journey have made an attempt to comfort those most vulnerable and in need of dignity and respect. All of you come in different shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. The real wonders of our world are those, who despite having endured pain, neglect, and abuse in their own travels, find deep in their hearts, the wisdom and strength to discontinue a cycle that destroys the true essence of life. These people have managed to 'unlearn what they have learned', and have created a world of their choosing, and not one that was handed to them. All of these gifts know who they are, and will be commended in ways that cannot be measured by any instrument.

Pieces to a sinister global ruling are rapidly taking form. The more informed we are of what is being thrashed upon us, the better chance there is to face off against those who seek to destroy and conquer. Men who walk this earth and abuse any form of power over the defenseless and vulnerable, and daringly attempt to play the role of God, dishonour the laws of the universe. For those who challenge this frame of thought, try and think different!