Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Maybe Back Home
I do not care. It does not mean much. I still will trust as best I can, but hearts run empty.
Forget everything you know. It is all okay. The bleeding hearts, the hardened hearts, and the hearts which no longer are, let them be.
I wake sometimes grateful for escaping my dreams. I wake comforted by the silence. Savour every damn second when you smile. Savour it.
To care is to be blessed. It heals, it rewards, it is peace. It is a curse.
I wonder of the motives of the human mind, and the desires of human flesh. Now I laugh at the stupidity of the human heart. How truly tortured it can be.
Share what you have. Share what is in your heart. Share your soul. Let it it be carried where it was meant to go. Let it go. It may find it's way somewhere. It may go nowhere.
Take your risk. Steal someone's soul. Do what needs to be done for the moment. Close your eyes for good. You might see where it all leads.
Find me if you want. I will be somewhere, or so I say. We all will be found somewhere.
Maybe back home.
Posted by D-pooh at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What's My Function?
Posted by D-pooh at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I don't know what it is like to be defenceless in the grips of evil, or have had my soul tempted or stolen forever. Unfortunately, I see the world as a remarkable place, where remarkable people seem more out of reach.
Posted by D-pooh at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ask Me To Dance
I've driven down that road many times over. A steep drop, followed quickly by an ascension back to reason. Trees line both sides, blanketing the fears which swirl around me. The night sky sees my soul. The music plays in the background like a friend who never fails to understand. I can't help, but smile. I may feel alone, but I am my best companion when I know the weaknesses and fortunes of me. I will not waiver when my heart is questioned and pushed. It is the least I owe to the man behind the darkened glass. Fear can pound hard against your chest, and render you paralyzed at your most peaceful moments. Heartache can tear your soul apart, and alter the lens through which you see the world. It will bend your soul, and paint it with the darkest colours not known to exist. It will push you against the cement wall, until you beg for mercy. What will all of this make of me? Maybe nothing at all. It may all be simple facts, and nothing more. I once read that, someones soul can be seen through their eyes. I close mine for now, until the next morning when a glow will give me courage to open them again. I will drive in the dark again, with the stars above reminding me to smile every step of the way. Maybe one day the roads will level a little more, and the music in the background will ask me to dance.
Posted by D-pooh at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It's Okay
Just got in from walking the dog. He is a mini pincher in his twilight years. The wind is howling outside. It is peaceful. 12:28 am reads on the clock. I've got a late night drive through order of a Big Mac snack rap and junior chicken. The 'Celestine Prophesy' by James Redfield sits on my desk to my right. Just purchased it today! An unopened Budweiser tall-boy sits on my desk as well. 'I just opened it'! Taking the last few bites of the junior chicken. Now taking a sip of the tall boy.
Earlier, lost a playoff game in a men's Tuesday night hockey league. Even with the loss, it was fun. Had half a beer just before the game, and had another three, after. Yes, I am a sinner. Drove two of my friends home. For those who question my actions, had a good size dinner, which diluted most of the alcohol. Would not have driven If I knew it was a mistake. Really don't care what anyone thinks. It doesn't matter!
Spoke to both my friends in the truck. Both are individuals who are generous, and just like the rest of us, are making their way through this freakish world. For some it hasn't been freakish. For some it has been a hell.
A quarter of the beer is gone. Wish the feeling would last.
A few of my friends in the change room earlier, were smoking the ganja. The second hand was smooth and soothing. The beer was ample.
The beer is okay. The marijuana is okay. The violence isn't, neither is the stupidity. Reality, as we know it is beautiful at times, but can be a nightmare as well. I know the world is more than the bullshit we have been dealt. The beauty is somewhere as well.
Escape this world. We need to sometimes. Like white sands and palm trees. I will fall asleep with a smile. I hope I wake with comfort.
Love. Friendship. Compassion for a brother, a sister, a stranger. Compassion for your soul. We need it.
Betting on the horses live online from Australia as well . It is calming.
Easy for me to sit back and use my time as I wish. No real dependents. No real responsibilities. No little ones.
I hold these feelings, these insights, these understandings of the heart, as long as I can. The real world is anything; the air you breath, the hands you touch, the hearts you warm. My reality will count for those who want to count it.
Wake up from this trance, or reality. Wake up tomorrow with a smile, with humility, with a boldness!
Posted by D-pooh at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It grips your sword when the wicked come forth
And loosens the hold in the face of mercy
It shows you worlds that your hands cannot touch
And brings you to places only your heart can feel
It is laughter, it is hope, it is reason
It will expect you to tread in oceans of tears
Yet it will question, starve you, and break you down
Until you take that deep breath, and open your eyes once again
Own it, live it, set it free
It will become something you will hold infinitely
Understand it, challenge it, and believe
Give it it's rightful immortality
Posted by D-pooh at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Somewhere Between the Sun and the Moon
2 am again
Visions of you rush in
Take me for another ride
Back to where you and I began
Please, hold me close
From where you are
The miles that separate
Are really only miles apart
You stand there
Healing behind steel doors
Glowing brighter like you should
Your precious heart growing ever more
I have cried, endured alone
It is how it should be
Somewhere between the sun and the moon
Is where my love will be
Posted by D-pooh at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Distraction, Ignorance, and Fear - It's Here - World Banks, Power, Martial Law, Population Reduction
One, or even a hand full of people realistically can not face off against a beast like the New World Order. What makes hopes to stand up to these self righteous scum more difficult, is that they operate with no rules. The utter disregard for human life, other than their own, is their greatest weapon against those who believe otherwise.
The evidence supporting a sinister plan by members of world banks and there slimy circle of wankers, to enslave the world is much to abundant to insert in this entry. Do your own research, and come to your own conclusions. It is not hard to find the information (evidence). You need only to look at the millions of impoverished worldwide, who for decades were left to die. There are enough resources in this world, period!
Those who struggle with the truth, but subconsciously understand what is profoundly important, are only caught up in the 'GAME' because there is no other accepted alternative. Unfortunately, consumption, and the ability to obtain more, in terms of materials, is what sadly garners respect from so many who have been unfortunately bred to think this way. This is what has happened over the past century, we have been manipulated to behave in such immature and selfish ways.
Those of you know who you are, who in some way along your journey have made an attempt to comfort those most vulnerable and in need of dignity and respect. All of you come in different shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. The real wonders of our world are those, who despite having endured pain, neglect, and abuse in their own travels, find deep in their hearts, the wisdom and strength to discontinue a cycle that destroys the true essence of life. These people have managed to 'unlearn what they have learned', and have created a world of their choosing, and not one that was handed to them. All of these gifts know who they are, and will be commended in ways that cannot be measured by any instrument.
Pieces to a sinister global ruling are rapidly taking form. The more informed we are of what is being thrashed upon us, the better chance there is to face off against those who seek to destroy and conquer. Men who walk this earth and abuse any form of power over the defenseless and vulnerable, and daringly attempt to play the role of God, dishonour the laws of the universe. For those who challenge this frame of thought, try and think different!
Posted by D-pooh at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
2012- World Governments Finally Take Action
An urgent call has been made to the superheroes of our time, for the impending arrival of planet X. It has been confirmed the dwarf star (Planet X) has several planets orbiting it, one of which is Nibiru. Top officials are convinced the planet is inhabited.
Earlier today, chief media medium, Seargent Michael Gertrude stated, "We are not certain what to expect when the planet passes between Mars and Jupiter in 2012. We have to be safe, and prepare for a hostile encounter".
Many of our modern day superheroes have frantically made their way to headquarters, based in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. In cooperation with world military leaders, our superheroes will deliberate for the next two years to ensure Planet Earth is fully prepared for Nibiru's arrival.
Below are photographs of superheroes upon their arrival in St. Johns.
Sanchez (the happy black superman)
Flight Child
Triple-S (Sandcastles/Shovels/Psychosis)
Superman II and childhood friend 'Incredible Muscles'
The Red Baylee
The Fluter
Black Balls Sergei
Elastic Goof
Posted by D-pooh at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Shameful Psychology of the Children's Aid Society
Are both Dalton Mcguinty and Stephen Harper honourable leaders? Are they good men? I suppose both should be respected for their hard work. Attempting to maintain a healthy balance in the complex world of politics, is a difficult task. Both appear to be energetic, moral men who have an understanding of societies ills and issues. I am sure most of their days are filled with inspiration and gratitude, or at least they should be. They have beautiful homes, healthy children, and most importantly, a loving family who supports them. It is no wonder they are able to make a difference in their lives on a day to day basis. Despite being men representing a Province and a Nation respectively, they are also fathers who provide for, nurture, and protect their children. Honourable men they are for fulfilling their duties with their families.
Are they truly honourable as political leaders? There are children frightened, neglected, and lost in the foster care system. Children they are obligated to represent, provide for, and protect! How do educated men, who hold such responsibilities, deal with such an important issue? Should Mr. Mcguinty and Mr. Harper not have the basic common sense, and intelligence to realise these children are in the greatest need of care, guidance, and support? Am I missing something? Moral men do the right thing, regardless of their fears. Selfish men turn a blind eye.
The CAS is never discussed openly in the media. Why is that? Why is the issue never brought up in debates, press conferences, or interviews? Why the secrets? I'll tell you why! It is a damn industry riddled with sinister overtones! Twenty-thousand children are in the foster care system, many of whom are left feeling unwanted, forgotten, and unloved. This is the pain expressed more frequently by survivors of the system. This is what they have done, survived a system designed for them to self-destruct. Those who have survived this shameful operation are the real heroes.
I have been fortunate to have never had first hand experience with the CAS. Although I have lived in Canada all my life, I have been ignorant to the immoral ongoings within the CAS, which the Canadian Government supports, funds, and participates in.
It would not surprise if these two clowns fail to make a sincere difference in the lives of so many children who are ALONE in the corrupt system, which is the CAS!
Divinity never runs through the veins of men. Men have roles, and especially limits. The world is short of Remarkable Leaders.
For the children who were saved, and for the children who were stolen;
"Hungry not only for bread - but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing - but naked for human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks - but homeless because of rejection".
Mother Teresa
Posted by D-pooh at 4:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
What is Your Truth?
Holy shitters! There is an insane amount of information on the net regarding the year 2012. To keep things simple, there are two major theories being suggested as the truth of the significance of the year 2012. Although both theories differ in context, they share the common undrstanding that a celestial occurence will change the world forever as we know it. Some argue that the 'elite' knew long ago about what we are now only being exposed to. Below is a brief discription of both theories.
The Annunaki - resedents of planet Nibiru
Before I begin, the names above are both validated from ancient texts, mainly from the earliest civilization known as the Sumarians who lived in, what we now know as Iraq, over 6000 years ago. Their texts and writings speak of a race of Gods or creators who reside on a distant planet called Nibiru. This planet has an elliptical orbit of 3600 years around our sun and is part of our solar system. Ancient texts, in conjunction with modern science and astronomy validate this claim. Nibiru is said to pass near our Earth in the year 2012. What happens then is unknown.
Galactic Dark Rift
The second theory involves a group called 'The Horizon Project'. They claim our solar system will enter a dark rift in 2012. The Earth will allign with the sun and the very center of our galaxy. It is believed that a black hole exists at the center of every galaxy. When this occurs, the extreme gravitational pull of the black hole will cause our Earth to shift poles, thus resulting in catastrophic climactic events. All diciplines of science have validated the claim of the Earth's poles shifting in the past many times before.
For many who have strong religious, but more importantly, spiritual beliefs, questions and fears have come to the forefront.
Do some investigating, and come to your own conclusions. It should be an interesting next, two and a half years!
Being a spiritual monkey, I am rather concerned. Although somewhat jolted, my beliefs have not wavered.
Posted by D-pooh at 5:14 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
2012 - An Uneduacated View
It is the month of January 2009. Some of us will wake tomorrow to the sound of city traffic, or birds chirping. Some will walk outside their door to the sound of waves rushing onto the shore, or dogs barking on the streets. Some will even wake to the sound of their own cries, or bombs going off in the distance. Some will hope they don't wake at all.

Posted by D-pooh at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Eagle Eye
'If you want to live you will obey'. The cover of the DVD I purchased reads; 'But where do they go if the enemy is everywhere?'
Eagle Eye centers around a highly sophisticated computer designed and created by US inteligence. It has the ability to think, plan, and react at mind boggling speed and accuracy. It is also able to manipulate and control any part of the environment connected by digital or wireless means. The plot focuses on this computer's outrageous ability to plan and carry out an assassination attempt on the US President, void of any human input! The computer just simply decides to do it, in the name of National Security. A COMPUTER!
Posted by D-pooh at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
I watch her through the glass doors
Her light brown hair waving in the wind
A lit cigarette nestles between her delicate fingers
As she exhales away her heart's burdens
I bow my head as her courage overcomes me
It blankets my very core
Through the glass and through her eyes
Does beauty reveal itself ever more
She looks out at the Caribbean Sea
As her sweet soul whispers comfort in her ear
She squints from the glare of the morning sun
Her strength prevailing even in fear
Oh how we wait for the sun to rise
When the night submits us to tears
Like life of the caterpillar coming true
Gone will be the butterfly's fears
Posted by D-pooh at 5:38 PM 0 comments